About Providence Health

Providence Health is a leading not-for-profit, Catholic-based healthcare system, operating numerous hospitals across several states. They are renowned for their patient-centric approach to healthcare.


Role: UX Writer. Collaborated with a cross-functional team comprising graphic designers, marketing strategists, and healthcare professionals.

Business Problem: Providence Health, in competition with giants like Cedar-Sinai and Kaiser Permanente, aimed to create a campaign that would underscore their patient-centric approach, focusing specifically on their flexibility in scheduling appointments.

Requirements: Develop a campaign that encapsulates the core offerings of Providence Health - patient empowerment through choice of care, including the flexibility of where, when, and with whom patients see their healthcare provider.

Initial Concept

The initial idea was to create a series of posters that would highlight the key choices available at Providence and its providers. Each poster would feature a “Your…” statement, aimed at giving the viewer an immediate sense of control and empowerment. This strategy would underscore the flexible approach Providence takes to patient scheduling.

Design Process

Using tools like Figma, Photoshop, and Whimsical, I worked on the content for these posters. Here's how I approached it:

  1. Research: Studied the marketing materials of competitors to understand their messaging and identify opportunities to differentiate Providence.
  2. Brainstorming: Brainstormed various “Your…” statements that could effectively communicate Providence's patient-centric approach.
  3. Content Creation: Developed the copy for each poster, ensuring that each statement was succinct, clear, and impactful.
  4. Feedback & Iteration: Gathered feedback from the team and iterated on the content based on the insights provided.

Feedback and Revisions

The initial versions of the poster content went through several iterations based on comprehensive feedback, leading to the polished final copy depicted in the images below:

  1. Empathy and Tone: The first draft used the phrase "Choose your convenience," which lacked the warmth Providence is known for. Based on patient feedback highlighting the desire for a more personable approach, it was revised to "YOUR PLACE. Stop in for a visit or drop a line from home. Either place, we're here for you," which better conveys Providence’s commitment to being there for their patients, wherever they are.

  2. Clarity and Precision: The original statement, "Flexible appointments around the clock," was deemed too vague and potentially misleading, as it implied 24/7 availability. The revision focused on realistic promises, leading to the final, more precise message of "YOUR PICK. Choose a doctor who's right for you," emphasizing the empowerment in patient choice.

  3. Inclusivity and Diversity: Feedback from the diversity committee suggested that the phrase "Your health in your hands" might not resonate with all demographics. After careful consideration, the language was adjusted to ensure it was inclusive, culminating in the inclusive message about picking a healthcare provider that's right for the individual.

  4. Brand Alignment: The marketing team felt that the initial tagline "Empower your health journey" did not fully align with the Providence brand voice, which is about partnership and support rather than just empowerment. This led to a more collaborative tone in the final design.